The Jackson Clinic
Congratulations to the White Glove Ninjas at The Jackson Clinic for processing
117 Encounters per Hour (EPH), a rate that is 5x more productive
than the national average.
117 Encounters per Hour (EPH), a rate that is 5x more productive
than the national average.
The Jackson Clinic, a large, high-volume multispecialty practice with locations across west Tennessee, began working with White Plume in 2017. Between 2017 and today, encounter volume increased by more than 15% to more than 30,000 encounters per month. During this time The Jackson Clinic improved their EPH by 71% up to 117 EPH. This productivity improvement allowed them to handle the 15% growth in encounter volume without adding staff and even savings 2.5 FTE. In short, their efficiency gains allowed them to decrease staff while greatly increasing the workload.
For most practices, there is an average of 10 purely administrative positions for every 1 doctor. As practices grow, their back office grows at an exponential rate to keep up with the workload. This is why it is remarkable that The Jackson Clinic was able to decrease back-office FTEs during a time of growth.

“White Plume has allowed us to automate the process without causing physician frustration.”
One of their biggest pain points prior to using White Plume was the cleanliness of the encounters submitted by their physicians. Jan Matthews, Director of The Jackson Clinic, wanted to prevent physician frustration. Doctors are not coders, and there is no way for them to keep up with the minutia of payor requirements and other coding rules. With White Plume, they can maintain physician productivity while automating many of the changes they need to make to the encounters.

“White Plume has allowed us to automate the process without causing physician frustration.”
White Plume has made us much more efficient, and we are able to reduce staff needs substantially with White Plume.”

The Jackson Clinic team now has cleaner encounters, along with higher productivity in the back office. Since using White Plume, their denial rate has decreased. They are performing above the national average in both productivity and accuracy.
The White Glove Ninjas at The Jackson Clinic have reached milestones in their practice, but there is still plenty of room for them to grow, improve, and automate the process even further. We look forward to watching their success long-term.
Schedule a 15 min appointment to learn how you can achieve outstanding results, just like The Jackson Clinic.
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